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DWI First Steps
DWI First Steps after your license has been revoked:
1. Access MVDonline.com to check when your license is revoked
1.You cannot apply for an interlock driver’s license until revocation of your Driver’s License
2. Once your license is revoked take your judgment and sentence to an interlock provider.
3. Install an interlock device
1.Ensure you receive and save the contract.
4. Obtain car insurance under your name.
5. Complete the interlock Affidavit – MVD10456
1.Fill it out the form completely
2. Notarize your signature
6. Schedule an appointment at MVD to receive your interlock driver’s license.
1.At this appointment bring the following items:
i. Judgment and Sentence
ii. Affidavit of Interlock
iii. Car Insurance
iv. Interlock contract
i. Payment of $113.00