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Military and Veterans
Air Force Veteran

Army Veteran

Coast Guard Veteran

Disabled Veteran Wheelchair

Marine Veteran

Navy Veteran

Pearl Harbor Survivor

Woman Veteran

Gold Star Family

(Motor Vehicle Code Section 66-3-424.24 NMSA 1978)
The Gold Star Family registration plate is available to the surviving mother, father, step parent or spouse of a service member killed in an armed conflict with an enemy of the United States. There is a limit of four Gold Star Family registration plates for each eligible family.
Fee: None, other than regular registration fees; registration fee also waived for first plate issued to the service member’s mother or spouse.
Application form MVD10100 | Download PDF
Active Duty National Guard

(Motor Vehicle Code Section 66-3-413 NMSA 1978)
The National Guard plate is available to any person who is an active member of the New Mexico national guard, upon the submission by the person of proof satisfactory to the division that the person is currently a member of the guard. No fee, including the regular registration fee, shall be collected for issuance of a National Guard plate.
Fee: None for plate or registration
Application form MVD10247 | Download PDF
Armed Forces Veterans
(Motor Vehicle Code Secs. 66-3-419 and 66-3-412.1 NMSA 1978)
Section 66-3-419 authorizes special registration plates for Armed Forces Veterans. Section 66-3-412.1 adds specific authorization for an Armed Forces Veterans motorcycle plate. Armed Forces Veterans plates are available for any individual who is a veteran of the armed forces of the United States or is retired from the national guard or military reserves, with proof satisfactory to the department of honorable discharge from the armed forces or of retirement from the national guard or military reserves.
Each armed forces veteran may elect to receive a veteran-designation decal to be placed across the top of the plate, centered above the registration number. Available decals include:
- Medal of Honor recipient
- Silver Star recipient
- Bronze Star recipient
- Navy Cross recipient
- Distinguished Service Cross recipient
- Air Force Cross recipient
- Distinguished Flying Cross recipient
- Combat Wounded
- Merchant Marine
- Atomic Veteran
- Pearl Harbor survivor
- Bataan Survivor
- Navajo Code Talker
- Vietnam Veteran
- Korean Veteran
- Disabled Korean Veteran
- World War II Veteran
- World War I Veteran
- Grenada Veteran
- Panama Veteran
- Desert Storm Veteran
- Iraqi Freedom Veteran
$8.00 of the $17.00 fee collected for each non-motorcycle plate is transferred to the Armed Forces Veterans License Fund, for the purpose of expanding services to rural areas of the state, including Native American communities and senior citizen centers.
Fee: $17.00 initially ($9.00 for motorcycles); no added fee upon regular registration renewal
Application form MVD10353 | Download PDF
Woman Veteran
(Motor Vehicle Code Secs.(66-3-424.20 NMSA 1978)
Woman Veteran Plate “Women Veterans Serve Proudly”, indicating that the recipient is a woman veteran of the armed forces of the United States, as defined in Section 9-22-3 NMSA 1978, or is retired from the national guard or military reserves if that person submits proof satisfactory to the department of honorable discharge from the armed forces or of retirement from the national guard or military reserves.
Each armed forces veteran may elect to receive a veteran-designation decal (see above) to be placed across the top of the plate, centered above the registration number.
The revenue from the special registration plates for the women armed forces veteran fee imposed by Subsection B of this section shall be distributed as follows:
Seven dollars ($7.00) of the fee collected for each registration plate shall be retained by the department and is appropriated to the department for the manufacture and issuance of the registration plate. Eight dollars ($8.00) of the fee collected for each registration plate shall be transferred to the state treasurer for credit to the armed forces veterans license fund.
Fee: $17.00 initially no added fee upon regular registration renewal
Application form MVD10353 |Download PDF
National Guard
(Motor Vehicle Code Section 66-3-413 NMSA 1978)
The National Guard plate is available to any person who is an active member of the New Mexico national guard, upon the submission by the person of proof satisfactory to the division that the person is currently a member of the guard. No fee, including the regular registration fee, shall be collected for issuance of a National Guard plate.
Fee: None for plate or registration
Application form MVD10247 | Download PDF
Purple Heart
(Motor Vehicle Code Section 66-3-414 NMSA 1978)
The Purple Heart plate is issued for up to two vehicles to any person who is a veteran and a bona fide purple heart medal recipient and submits proof that he has been awarded that medal. No fee, including the regular registration fee, shall be collected for the issuance of a Purple Heart plate.
Fee: None for plate or registration
Application form MVD10353 | Download PDF
50% Disabled Veteran
(Motor Vehicle Code Section 66-3-412 NMSA 1978)
The 50 percent disabled veteran plate is available for up to two vehicles, including motorcycles, to a veteran of the armed forces of the United States, upon the submission of proof satisfactory to the department that he was fifty percent disabled while serving in the armed forces of the United States. No fee, including the regular registration fee, shall be collected for issuance of 50 percent disabled veteran plate.
A 50% disabled veteran who would also qualify for the disabled person (HP) plate may elect to have the disability wheelchair symbol included on his disabled veteran plate.
Fee: None for plate or registration
Application form MVD10353 | Download PDF
Medal of Honor
(Motor Vehicle Code Section 66-3-409 NMSA 1978)
A distinctive Medal of Honor plate is available for any person who has been awarded the Medal of Honor and submits proof satisfactory to the division that he has been awarded that medal. No fee, including the regular registration fee, shall be collected for the issuance of a Medal of Honor plate.
Fee: None for plate or registration
Application form MVD10353 | Download PDF
Prisoner of War
(Motor Vehicle Code Section 66-3-411 NMSA 1978)
Prisoner of War (POW) plates are available to any person, or to the surviving spouse of a deceased person, who was held as a prisoner of war by an enemy of the United States during any armed conflict, upon submission of proof satisfactory to the division. If the applicant is the surviving spouse, a copy of the marriage certificate and death certificate must accompany the application. No fee, including the regular registration fee, shall be collected for the issuance of a POW plate.
Fee: None for plate or registration
Application form MVD10353 | Download PDF
Prisoner of War
(Motor Vehicle Code Section 66-3-411 NMSA 1978)
Prisoner of War (POW) plates are available to any person, or to the surviving spouse of a deceased person, who was held as a prisoner of war by an enemy of the United States during any armed conflict, upon submission of proof satisfactory to the division. If the applicant is the surviving spouse, a copy of the marriage certificate and death certificate must accompany the application. No fee, including the regular registration fee, shall be collected for the issuance of a POW plate.
Fee: None for plate or registration
Application form MVD10353 | Download PDF
Gold Star Families
(Motor Vehicle Code Section 66-3-424.24 NMSA 1978)
The Gold Star Family registration plate is available to the surviving parent, spouse, child, or sibling of a service member killed in an armed conflict with an enemy of the United States.
Fee: $10.00 upon initial registration to child or sibling of the service member. No fee including the regular registration fee for issuance of the first plate issued to a surviving parent or spouse of the service member. No fee other than regular registration fee for issuance of up to three additional plates issued to a surviving parent or spouse of the service member.
Application form MVD10100 | Download PDF